Breath Alcohol Testing
Breath alcohol testing is a great initial test to perform on an individual in which an employer has reasonable suspicion of, or one who has already been in an accident. While you always want to follow up a breath test with a urine and/or blood screen to assure accuracy, there are a few reasons why the breath alcohol tests are beneficial.
One reason is when a breath alcohol test is administered, the results are available almost instantaneously. Also, if a breath test comes back negative, the employee can conscientiously be sent back to work immediately. In both cases, it saves a company two of their most important commodities: time and money.
One reason is when a breath alcohol test is administered, the results are available almost instantaneously. Also, if a breath test comes back negative, the employee can conscientiously be sent back to work immediately. In both cases, it saves a company two of their most important commodities: time and money.
LifeLoc BAT TechnologyWe use the top of the line high precision breathalyzer technology for Workplace Breath Alcohol Testing. Breath Alcohol Testing is a simple and fast way to test for alcohol consumption. Each of our Lab Assistants have been trained to operate and administer these DOT compliant devices.
Call Us Today For More Information & Pricing on Breath Alcohol Testing (702) 452-4999
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