Commonly Abused Drugs In Las Vegas
Marijuana - aka pot, weed, ganja, reefer, chronic, skunk (Inhaled, ingested)
Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads many users into heavier use of other substances of abuse. Most users are trying to escape from present situations or as a way to cope. The effects are a somewhat dreamy effect to the brain and will peak at approximately 30 mins and last for hours after. Marijuana is a plant and can be grown almost anywhere it also can be combined with other drugs (laced) to increase and change the effects The potency and the amount of THC can make the user feel “high” for hours beyond that. THC stays in the system weeks to months after use. The best way to pass a Marijuana drug test is “Abstinence”.
Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads many users into heavier use of other substances of abuse. Most users are trying to escape from present situations or as a way to cope. The effects are a somewhat dreamy effect to the brain and will peak at approximately 30 mins and last for hours after. Marijuana is a plant and can be grown almost anywhere it also can be combined with other drugs (laced) to increase and change the effects The potency and the amount of THC can make the user feel “high” for hours beyond that. THC stays in the system weeks to months after use. The best way to pass a Marijuana drug test is “Abstinence”.
Short Term Effects of Marijuana
Long Term Effects of MarijuanaLong Term Effects
Methamphetamine-aka crystal meth, speed, crank, glass, ice, tweak (Inhaled, snorted, ingested, injected)
Methamphetamine is a drug that can be used several different ways and temporary effects differ with each way. Many become addicted to the false feeling of happiness after using meth only one time and begin to use more frequently trying to achieve that initial high. This drug makes the user hyperactive, causes insomnia, loss of appetite and mentally craves to use again. Effects start seconds-minutes after use (rush) and will last from 4-16 hours (high) binge users can continue small rushes and highs by continued use from 3-15 days . This drug is a man made substance the base is usual comes from pills used to fight the common cold and is combined with chemicals (battery acid, drain cleaner, lantern fuel and antifreeze) Usually Methamphetamine leaves the urine within 24-48 hours and once levels are seen in the hair can stay 3-6 months after the last use.
Methamphetamine is a drug that can be used several different ways and temporary effects differ with each way. Many become addicted to the false feeling of happiness after using meth only one time and begin to use more frequently trying to achieve that initial high. This drug makes the user hyperactive, causes insomnia, loss of appetite and mentally craves to use again. Effects start seconds-minutes after use (rush) and will last from 4-16 hours (high) binge users can continue small rushes and highs by continued use from 3-15 days . This drug is a man made substance the base is usual comes from pills used to fight the common cold and is combined with chemicals (battery acid, drain cleaner, lantern fuel and antifreeze) Usually Methamphetamine leaves the urine within 24-48 hours and once levels are seen in the hair can stay 3-6 months after the last use.
Short Term Effects of Methamphetamine
Long Term Effects of Methamphetamine
Cocaine- aka crank cola, coke, nose candy, blow, candy, base, rocks (Inhaled, snorted, ingested, injected)
Cocaine in different forms is highly addictive and the user will become psychologically dependant. It hits key dopamine receptors in the brain that control the sensation of pleasure. After the first use the user will try to achieve the initial high, but builds a tolerance causing the need to use more , more often. Many cocaine users will begin to use other drugs with it to try and reach a heightened euphoria with fatal results “The Ultimate High” death. Cocaine leaves the urine within 24-48 hours and once levels are seen in the hair can stay 3-6 months after the last use.
Cocaine in different forms is highly addictive and the user will become psychologically dependant. It hits key dopamine receptors in the brain that control the sensation of pleasure. After the first use the user will try to achieve the initial high, but builds a tolerance causing the need to use more , more often. Many cocaine users will begin to use other drugs with it to try and reach a heightened euphoria with fatal results “The Ultimate High” death. Cocaine leaves the urine within 24-48 hours and once levels are seen in the hair can stay 3-6 months after the last use.
Short Term Effects of Cocaine
Heroin-aka smack, H, thunder, hell, dust (Inhaled, injected, snorted)
Heroin is a “Highly Physically Addictive” drug and the user will become physically dependant and will continue to use in fear of the horrible withdraws. This drug is made by the resin of poppy plants and the first product formed is morphine which is made into different types and forms of heroin. Users of this drug prefer it intravenously which puts the user at even a higher risk for infectious disease. It’s rare that this drug is sold in its purest form, which means dealers will cut the product with other potential harmful ingredients. When used a person will have the “high” sensation and may find them more outgoing or sexually heightened, but this is only temporary and soon they too will be sucked into the cycle of addiction. Users who want to recover from using this drug will need help to go through the painful withdraw process. There are many organizations and clinics that can help with the recovery process Heroin leaves the urine within 24-48 hours and once levels are seen in the hair can stay 3-6 months after the last use.
Heroin is a “Highly Physically Addictive” drug and the user will become physically dependant and will continue to use in fear of the horrible withdraws. This drug is made by the resin of poppy plants and the first product formed is morphine which is made into different types and forms of heroin. Users of this drug prefer it intravenously which puts the user at even a higher risk for infectious disease. It’s rare that this drug is sold in its purest form, which means dealers will cut the product with other potential harmful ingredients. When used a person will have the “high” sensation and may find them more outgoing or sexually heightened, but this is only temporary and soon they too will be sucked into the cycle of addiction. Users who want to recover from using this drug will need help to go through the painful withdraw process. There are many organizations and clinics that can help with the recovery process Heroin leaves the urine within 24-48 hours and once levels are seen in the hair can stay 3-6 months after the last use.
Short Term Effects of Heroin
Alcohol (Ingested and injected)
Alcohol is a socially accepted, but it is still a drug of abuse. A large amount of drinkers are not considered addicted to alcohol and can have a few drinks or a onetime binge. However, a once and awhile user and the alcoholic can have some of the same effects after having just a few drinks. Depending on the circumstances, short term effects from alcohol can put the drinker and others at risk. Drinking or using other illicit drugs of abuse and driving add a large amount of risk factors with fatal outcomes. Also, the morning after a long night of partying can affect the drinker’s ability to function, focus and perform usually simple tasks. Within minutes after alcohol is consumed or injected it travels to the brain and slows the action of your nerve cells. Alcohol can become a physical dependant drug of abuse and has the same effects as many drugs of abuse. It can take several hours for the levels of alcohol to leave the blood and the urine and can be found days later via different testing assays.
Alcohol is a socially accepted, but it is still a drug of abuse. A large amount of drinkers are not considered addicted to alcohol and can have a few drinks or a onetime binge. However, a once and awhile user and the alcoholic can have some of the same effects after having just a few drinks. Depending on the circumstances, short term effects from alcohol can put the drinker and others at risk. Drinking or using other illicit drugs of abuse and driving add a large amount of risk factors with fatal outcomes. Also, the morning after a long night of partying can affect the drinker’s ability to function, focus and perform usually simple tasks. Within minutes after alcohol is consumed or injected it travels to the brain and slows the action of your nerve cells. Alcohol can become a physical dependant drug of abuse and has the same effects as many drugs of abuse. It can take several hours for the levels of alcohol to leave the blood and the urine and can be found days later via different testing assays.
Short Term Effects of Alcohol
There are a wide variety of other drugs being abused but those that fall in the listed categories differ very little in the short/long term effect (Ecstasy, LSD, hallucinogens, bath salts). Prescription drug abuse is also on the rise. Just because someone is allowed to take a medication doesn’t justify overtaking/abusing that right. Pharmacies and the DEA closely regulate prescription medication and watch for the red flags by putting up restrictions/guidelines to follow. Drug addiction is a worldwide epidemic and everyone has been affected by addition of one form or another. Recognizing the signs of abuse will hopeful save those we love from the harmful and risky behavior associated with abuse. American Toxicology can help you with the first step and that’s “Knowing” call for pricing and additional information on outpatient and private testing for drugs of abuse
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