Pre Employment Drug Testing
At least 75% of drug users are currently employed and go to work loaded or hung over which brings more risks to your business and those who work for you. Your employees have the right to have a drug free workplace and it is good business for you to provide that to them. Applying a drug testing program and policy to your workplace is a necessity for today society and American Toxicology understands that need. We are a family owned business that has been catering to our community for several decades with our professional/personable staff and competitive prices.
Did you know that in 2011 over “Twenty Two Million” Americans used an illicit drug that’s almost 9% of our population and it’s not only our youth but an increase in illicit drug use by the age group 55-59 has increased by almost 3% in the last 5 years. Take a look for yourself
As a business owner we understand finding and looking for more ways to save money or cut costs. You may have thought that applying a pre-employment drug testing program would be costly and time consuming. Here let’s get you started with the “FREE” US Department of Labor Drug Free Workplace policy builder and discuss how you can save money by prescreening your potential employees. Let’s begin with how substance abusers cost you money and hurt your business.
Prescreening drug tests and prevention help your business in the following ways:
Productivity: fewer absences from the workplace and increased work performance MAKES $$$
Accidents: decreased substance related accidents which lowers workers compensation insurances, medical premiums and vehicle premiums SAVES $$$
Reduces: theft and violence in the workplace and deters users from applying PREVENTS LOSS OF $$$
Using American Toxicology as your drug screening provider SAVES YOU $$$
Our pre-employment testing is a very easy and quick process
· Three locations
· South location open 6 days with convenient hours
· Fast results with our online reporting
· Laboratory technicians to assist with technical questions
· Online referrals
· Most negative results same business day
American Toxicology is ready to bring you on as our next client and can offer you services other than Pre-employment Testing:
Post accident/Probable Cause Testing
Did you know that in 2011 over “Twenty Two Million” Americans used an illicit drug that’s almost 9% of our population and it’s not only our youth but an increase in illicit drug use by the age group 55-59 has increased by almost 3% in the last 5 years. Take a look for yourself
As a business owner we understand finding and looking for more ways to save money or cut costs. You may have thought that applying a pre-employment drug testing program would be costly and time consuming. Here let’s get you started with the “FREE” US Department of Labor Drug Free Workplace policy builder and discuss how you can save money by prescreening your potential employees. Let’s begin with how substance abusers cost you money and hurt your business.
Prescreening drug tests and prevention help your business in the following ways:
Productivity: fewer absences from the workplace and increased work performance MAKES $$$
Accidents: decreased substance related accidents which lowers workers compensation insurances, medical premiums and vehicle premiums SAVES $$$
Reduces: theft and violence in the workplace and deters users from applying PREVENTS LOSS OF $$$
Using American Toxicology as your drug screening provider SAVES YOU $$$
Our pre-employment testing is a very easy and quick process
· Three locations
· South location open 6 days with convenient hours
· Fast results with our online reporting
· Laboratory technicians to assist with technical questions
· Online referrals
· Most negative results same business day
American Toxicology is ready to bring you on as our next client and can offer you services other than Pre-employment Testing:
Post accident/Probable Cause Testing
Why You Should Use A Pre Employment Drug Testing?
Increase Absenteeism
Drinkers and drug users miss on average 3-5 days a month more than your normal employees
Employee that uses is 4 times more likely to be in an accident that injures them, other employees and your clients. Raising your workers compensation claims/cost (<30% are related to substance abuse) and possible lawsuits
Amost half of workplace fatalities are related to substance/alcohol abuse
Decreased Productivity
When they show up the abusers are at least 25% less productive than other workers costing you as much as $10,000 annually
Medical cost
Substance abuse cause poor health and using employees are 3 times more likely to use their medical benefits than your drug free employees
8 out of 10 employed drug users steal from their work to help support their habit
ViolenceThe 3rd leading cause to workplace violence is substance abuse.
Contact Us Today For More Information & Rates
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