Profile Drug Testing
Profile testing is a great screening option for employers who are adamant on keeping a safe work environment. A profile test is one in which includes both urine and hair collections.
Generally speaking, a urine test can show drug use from the past 0 to 72 hours. This is good for determining your regular, everyday users as well as catching your occasional users.
A hair test, however, can show drug use anywhere from one week to the past three months. In order for a drug to appear in the hair, the donor must have used the substance on average three times within the span of a week. Therefore, a hair screen is good for determining your habitual users.
Generally speaking, a urine test can show drug use from the past 0 to 72 hours. This is good for determining your regular, everyday users as well as catching your occasional users.
A hair test, however, can show drug use anywhere from one week to the past three months. In order for a drug to appear in the hair, the donor must have used the substance on average three times within the span of a week. Therefore, a hair screen is good for determining your habitual users.
Both screens have their advantages. A urine screen shows what a donor has consumed very recently. This has its benefits for pre-employment screening, of course, but it is also extremely useful in determining users post-accident. An employer can use random urine screens as a way to ensure their work place is safe and keep out any avoidable liabilities. A urine screen positive will assure an employee`s drug use as recent, and ergo there is no need for indecision regarding termination.
A hair screen, however, works best for pre-employment. An avid drug user can quit their substance(s) of choice for a short period of days prior to a urine test in order to likely pass as negative. Their hair is a different story. By requiring a hair screen, an avid drug user has no where to hide. Not only is their past use accounted for, but it`s almost impossible to "fake" a hair test (see: synthetic urine).
A hair screen, however, works best for pre-employment. An avid drug user can quit their substance(s) of choice for a short period of days prior to a urine test in order to likely pass as negative. Their hair is a different story. By requiring a hair screen, an avid drug user has no where to hide. Not only is their past use accounted for, but it`s almost impossible to "fake" a hair test (see: synthetic urine).
As you can see, the combination of urine and hair screens is the perfect way for an employer to cover all their bases. Profile testing is the best means of preventing habitual drug users (which reads as liabilities from a company standpoint) from entering into your workplace from the beginning.
Call Today For Profile Drug Test Pricing (702) 452-4999
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